September 17, 2017 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Early fall brings many festivals and events to the Metro Louisville area. Saturday found many roads closed around the Germantown area to host some of those festivals. Those events did not prevent many members and guests from showing up the next morning for Sunday School and Worship. The service began with Deacon Chandler Bainter read […]
September 10, 2017 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
While the Vine Street Baptist Church family continued to pray for BridgePoint Bible Church in Houston TX, the hearts and prayers of those attending also focused on Florida as that state faced their own hurricane. The service began with Deacon Chandler Bainter reading Jeremiah 31:31-34 and saying a prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher […]
September 3, 2017 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
As the impact of Hurricane Harvey continues to weigh heavily on the minds and hearts of members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church, they were encouraged as a sister-church in Houston sent a video message which showed how that body of believers are already mobilizing to reach out to their community, even in the […]
August 27, 2017 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Today’s service opened with a reading of Psalm 1 by Deacon Donnie Aebersold, who then said prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the gathered in song. Bless That Wonderful Name Jacob welcomed everyone and encouraged them to greet one another in a time of fellowship. Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders continued the service by […]
August 20, 2017 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
The Vine Street family saw many people traveling through Louisville for various reasons, as well as a number of new guests from the surrounding community. All were warmly welcomed. The service began when Deacon Donnie Aebersold read Isaiah 2:1-5 and said a prayer. Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher encouraged everyone to stand and sing while Jaime […]
July 30, 2017 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
After many members and guests spent time in Sunday School, studying the Bible in fellowship, everyone gathered in the sanctuary for a time of worship and teaching. The service began when Deacon Donnie Aebersold read Psalm 73:25-28 and saying an opening prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher, along with percussionist Nolan Hodge, invited the […]
July 9, 2017 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Summer is that time of the year when many members and regular attendees are out of town, and those gathered at Vine Street Baptist Church miss their presence. All were prayed for in hopes of a wonderful day in the Lord, wherever they are. Today’s service began when Deacon Betty Jeffries read Isaiah 61:1-3 and […]
June 18, 2017 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
After a week of hot, humid weather outside, members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church found comfort in the coolness of the building, while enjoying the abundant warmth of fellowship with one another. The service began today when Deacon Betty Jeffries read Psalm 19:7-14 and said an opening prayer. Worship leaders Jacob and Jaime […]
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