Post Archives

September 4, 2016

September 4, 2016 Morning Worship

September 4, 2016 Morning Worship

Vine Street Baptist Church welcomed members and guests to a new week and introduced new pew Bibles for everyone’s use.  Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon drew attention to the Bibles during the Announcement time of the service, letting everyone know that since the English Standard Version (ESV) is the translation of Scripture that he typically uses, the […]

August 28, 2016

August 28, 2016 Morning Worship

August 28, 2016 Morning Worship

A hot weekend with many events around the city couldn’t keep members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church from gathering together in fellowship & community in order to learn and worship. The main worship service began with Deacon Mickie Bainter reading Psalm 50:1-5 and saying a prayer. Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher asked the gathered […]

August 21, 2016

August 21, 2016 Morning Worship

Today, members and regular attendees of Vine Street Baptist Church gathered with somewhat heavy hearts, as they are sad for the passing of Spencer Harmon’s father.  But, as Spencer said in a letter that was read to the congregation midway through the service, “We are trusting in the goodness of our sovereign God. The same Father […]

August 14, 2016

August 14, 2016 Morning Worship

August 14, 2016 Morning Worship

Today’s service was an extra special for members and regular attendees of Vine Street Baptist Church. A dear regular returned after being away for nearly a year, battling cancer.  She received lots of hugs and was warmly welcomed.  Also in attendance today was a former pastor, Jack Oliver.  He was celebrating the anniversary of his […]

August 7, 2016

August 7, 2016 Morning Worship

As Deacon Mickie Bainter said before reading Psalm 17:1-7, “It is a beautiful day today!”  After an opening prayer, Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher encouraged everyone to stand and sing: Victory in Jesus 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) A time of welcome and fellowship, Pastor Spencer Harmon presented some announcements: Today starts a new sermon series: […]

July 31, 2016

July 31, 2016 Morning Worship

July 31, 2016 Morning Worship

Members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church gathered today in fellowship, to pray for one another and to learn together from the Bible. The worship service started with Deacon Chandler Bainter reading Psalm 16 and saying a prayer. Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher lead the gathered in song: I’ll Fly Away Here I am to […]

July 24, 2016

July 24, 2016 Morning Worship

Even though the air was thick, even in the early morning hours, this did not dissuade members and guests from attending Bible study and worship service at Vine Street Baptist Church. The service began with a reading of Psalm 15 and prayer by Deacon Chandler Bainter, followed by worship songs led by Worship Leader Jacob […]

July 17, 2016

July 17, 2016 Morning Worship

July 17, 2016 Morning Worship

Several people were met with various challenges to attend Vine Street Baptist Church this week, but those attempts failed as the the heart of God’s people desire worship over circumstances. Today’s service opened with Deacon Chandler Bainter reading Psalm 14 and saying a prayer.  Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the gathered in some […]

July 10, 2016

July 10, 2016 Morning Worship

July 10, 2016 Morning Worship

With the various national events of the past few weeks, Vine Street Baptist Church suspended their normal Sunday School time and gathered in the main Worship Center for a time of prayer. Pastor Spencer Harmon led the group through reasons why it is important for the church to do this: To grieve together (Romans 12:15) […]

July 3, 2016

July 3, 2015 Morning Worship

July 3, 2015 Morning Worship

Clouds and a little rain could not keep members and guests away from Vine Street Baptist Church, where they gathered to fellowship, to worship, and — most importantly — to learn about God. The service started when Deacon Chandler Bainter read Psalm 12 and said a prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher sang song […]

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