Post Archives

March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017 Morning Worship

March 19, 2017 Morning Worship

Another great day for members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church to gather and study the Word together. Today’s service started with Deacon Mickie Bainter reading Isaiah 53:1-6 and saying a prayer. Associate Pastor of Worship, Jacob Hatcher, asked everyone to stand and sing songs. 10,000 Reasons What a Friend We Have in Jesus […]

March 12, 2017

March 12, 2017 Morning Worship

March 12, 2017 Morning Worship

Members, guests, and regular attendees of Vine Street Baptist Church were diligent about changing the clocks and getting to church on time.  #SpringForward Today’s service started when Deacon Mickie Bainter welcomed everyone and read Lamentations 3:19-27, then saying a prayer. Associate Pastor of Worship, Jacob Hatcher, asked the gathered to stand and sing together. Nothing […]

March 5, 2017

March 5, 2017 Morning Worship

March 5, 2017 Morning Worship

Friends, members of Vine Street and guests, gathered today worship God and learn about His love from the Bible. The service began with Deacon Mickie Bainter reading Psalm 62 and saying a prayer.  Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the congregation in song. Soon and Very Soon On Jordan’s Stormy Banks After a time […]

February 26, 2017

February 26, 2017 Morning Worship

February 26, 2017 Morning Worship

While colder temperatures outside returned to Louisville this weekend, the building was warm inside.  More importantly, so was the fellowship of the members and guests of Vine Street warm and inviting to all who gathered. The service began with Deacon Chandler Bainter reading Psalm 146 and saying a prayer.  Worship Pastor Jacob Hatcher encouraged everyone […]

February 19, 2017

February 19, 2017 Morning Worship

February 19, 2017 Morning Worship

Today’s service began with Deacon Chandler Bainter reading Romans 6:16-18 and saying a prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher played their guitars while they led the gathered in song. Because He Lives Blessed Be Your Name After a few minutes of greeting one another in fellowship, Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders gave a few announcements […]

February 12, 2017

February 12, 2017 Morning Worship

February 12, 2017 Morning Worship

Today’s service began with Deacon Chandler Bainter reading Psalm 73:23-28 and saying a prayer.  Jacob and Jaime Hatcher, accompanied by Nolan Hodge, encouraged everyone gathered to stand and sing. Everlasting God The Solid Rock A few minutes were given so everyone could be welcomed, often giving a handshake or a hug.  Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders […]

February 5, 2017

February 5, 2017 Morning Worship

February 5, 2017 Morning Worship

There was much rejoicing as the sun, hidden by clouds most of the past week, returned to full view today.  More rejoicing came from members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church who gathered together to learn and worship together. Today’s service began with Deacon Chandler Bainter reading 1 Corinthians 13 and saying a prayer. […]

January 29, 2017

January 29, 2017 Morning Worship

January 29, 2017 Morning Worship

The last Sunday of the January brings many friends and members of Vine Street Baptist Church together to great one another, care for one another through prayer, sing songs together and to learn from God’s Word. The service began when Deacon Donnie Aebersold read Revelation 21:22-27 and said a prayer for the service.  Worship Leaders […]

January 22, 2017

January 22, 2017 Morning Worship

January 22, 2017 Morning Worship

This past week, warmer weather may have confused people if it is Spring or Winter.  Members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church were not confused about gathering today to learn from God’s Word and to worship together. The service began with Deacon Donnie Aebersold reading Psalm 51 and saying a prayer.  Associate Pastor of Worship, […]

January 16, 2017

VSBC now has a Podcast

VSBC now has a Podcast

Vine Street Baptist Church is happy to announce that you can now listen to recorded sermons through podcast.  The Technical Support Team has been wanting this for some time, and recently learned that many people were asking for it.  We were happy to learn this and happier still that all the connections were made to make […]

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