March 21, 2010 PM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Pastor Ben Dockery opened tonight’s service with a reading from John 13:31 and following, then prayed for blessing during the teaching from God’s Word. Mickie Bainter, with the help of two school-agers, lead the gathered in two songs from the Baptist Hymnal 514/When All Get to Heaven 515/There is a Land That is Fairer Than […]
March 21, 2010 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
With the sun shining bright, members and guests gathered in the Worship Center for a blessed time of being together, singing praises and learning about God. The service opened with a reading of Psalm 38 and prayer, led by Deaconess Betty Jeffries. Minister of Worship and Praise Johann Kim reflected on the Psalm in that […]
March 14, 2010 PM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Today brings guest preacher Dwayne Ewers. Pastor Ben Dockery opened the service with a reading of Psalm 150, and opened the service with prayer that encouraged all to focus attention on God. Mickie Bainter, using her guitar, led the gathered in two songs out of the Baptist Hymnal 359/This is the Day 418/Peace Like a […]
March 14, 2010 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
The loss of an hour of sleep did not keep a number of members and guests from worshiping God today at Vine Street Baptist Church. Deaconess Betty Jeffries opened the service with a reading of Psalm 22:1-24, then prayed for the service. Minister of Praise and Worship, Johann Kim, spoke about how the passage from […]
Bringing the links current
VSBC Blog Administrator
Here are links to some of our more recent sermon audio files. Trying something a little different. Here is a little “mini-player” for each sermon. Tell us what you think by emailing December 6, 2009 AM (Ben Dockery) December 13, 2009 AM (Ben Dockery) December 13, 2009 PM (Luke Harris) December 20, 2009 AM […]
November 15, 2009 AM Service
VSBC Blog Administrator
Today’s Worship Service got underway with a reading of Psalm 121 and a prayer, both lead by Deacon Donnie Aebersold. Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, drew out of the Psalm that it speaks of God being Creator, Protector and Sustainer, then lead the gathered in some songs that reemphasized those characteristics: God Is […]
November 1, 2009 AM Service
VSBC Blog Administrator
Donnie Aebersold opened today’s service with a reading from Psalms 111, then prayed that God would show Himself to those gathered and those not able to be here today. Minister of Worship and Praise, Johann Kim, summarized the Psalm’s message of remembering our faith and what God has done for us. He then encouraged everyone […]
October 25, 2009 PM Service
VSBC Blog Administrator
Tonight’s time together opened with an acapela singing of Amazing Grace, lead by Wally Jeffries. Guest Preaching, David Hamiliton, read Psalm 139, and presented a message on human rights, including insights as he works to with others against abortion. Click here for the sermon audio of tonight’s message.
October 25, 2009 AM Service
VSBC Blog Administrator
Today’s service opened with a reading of Psalm 8, presented by Deacon Wally Jeffries. He followed this with a prayer, asking God to forgive us for not reading His Word as often as we should, and praying for those who could not be with us today for health or travel reasons. Minister of Praise and […]
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