February 12, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A light weekend snow greeted everyone Sunday morning, and a large gathering of people could be found at Vine Street Baptist Church. The service started as Deacon Joe Gross read Psalm 25 and said a prayer. Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, talked about the Passage being packed with themes of forgiveness, salvation […]
February 5, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A little cold weather couldn’t keep members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church from gathering together and worshiping the Lord. Deacon Joe Gross opened the service by reading Psalm 41 and praying. Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, led the congregation in songs of praise. Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above […]
January 29, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Service today included new and familiar songs, testimony and learning from the Bible. Deacon Gary Cook read Psalm 32 and said an opening prayer. Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, said of the passage, “Before God, we are all sinners. This Psalm shows how desperately we need His Grace.” Kim then led the congregation in […]
January 22, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Songs, fellowship and Biblical teaching were all on the program for today’s worship at Vine Street Baptist Church. Associate Pastor Dwayne Ewers presented the third sermon of the series Great Aspects of the Church. The full audio can be heard by clicking on a date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file […]
January 15, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A little dusting of snow couldn’t keep the regular members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church from gathering and worshiping the Lord this Sunday. The service was opened with a reading of Psalm 66 by Deacon Gary Cook. After a prayer, the Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, said that not only […]
January 8, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
On this second Sunday of the new year, members and guests at Vine Street Baptist Church worshiped the Lord. Deacon Gary Cook opened the service by reading Psalm 130 then saying a prayer. Dr. Johann Kim, Minister of Praise and Worship, commented how the Psalm offered so many promises into such a short chapter. He […]
January 1, 2012 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Vine Street Baptist Church members and guests celebrated the first day of the year with worship, praise and learning. Deacon Gary Cook opened the service with a reading of Psalm 118, followed by a prayer. Minister of Praise & Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, commented on the passage as a great blessing for all year. Kim […]
September 25, 2011 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
On this first Sunday of fall, members and guests gathered at Vine Street Baptist Church for worship. The service opened with a reading of Psalm 16 and a prayer, led by Deaconess Betty Jeffries. Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim (returning from a four week trip to South Korea), said that Psalm 16 […]
September 18, 2011 PM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
The evening service at Vine Street Baptist Church started with a reading from 1 Timothy 5 and a prayer, lead by Associate Pastor Dwayne Ewers. Mickie Bainter lead the gathered in two hymns: 644/Count Your Blessings 572/I Love To Tell the Story The guest speaker for tonight’s service was Josh Thomas. Originally from South Carolina, […]
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