March 27, 2013 PM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Vine Street Baptist Church had a guest preacher speak on a passage from Matthew. Justin Perdue, a current Masters of Divinity student at Southern Seminary, is a member of Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. Though a native of North Carolina, Justin and his wife, Michelle, came to Louisville for the purpose of seminary education from Capital Hill Baptist […]
March 24, 2013 Quick Post
VSBC Blog Administrator
During the morning worship service, Associate Pastor Philip Bethancourt brought a special Palm Sunday message. The full audio can be heard by clicking on a date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading. March 24, 2013 AM […]
March 20, 2013 PM
VSBC Blog Administrator
Due to some potential inclement weather, service on Sunday, March 17, 2013 was canceled. To stay the course with the Judges series, Dustin Bruce presented his sermon on Judges. The full audio can be heard by clicking on a date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on […]
March 10, 2013 PM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A gathering of members sang songs and heard a word from the Lord. Associate Pastor Chris Moss opened the service by reading Romans 3:27-4:5, then Worship Pastor Chris Wells lead the congregation in song Before the Throne of God Above 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Wells then brought the next message in a sermon series […]
March 10, 2013 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A fellowship breakfast during the Sunday School hour drew members and guests to Vine Street Baptist Church on this “Spring Forward” Sunday morning. Everyone gathered in the Worship Center after the meal to sing praises to the Lord and to learn about Him from the Bible. The service opened with a reading from Psalm 24 […]
March 3, 2013 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
While a light snow fell overnight, it did not discourage members and guests from attending Sunday School and morning Worship at Vine Street Baptist Church. The service began with a reading of Psalm 95:6-11 by Deacon Betty Jeffries. After she prayed for the service, Worship Pastor Chris Wells led the gathered in song. Come Thou […]
February 24, 2013 PM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A gathering of members met to sing songs and learn from the Bible. The service opened with songs led by Worship Pastor Chris Wells. At the Cross He Is Jesus Wells said a prayer to prepare the listeners for the message. Guest preacher, Ken Lovett, brought the next message in a sermon series through the […]
February 24, 2013 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Bright sunshine and cool temperature brought members and guests to Vine Street Baptist Church to learn from the Bible and sing songs to the Lord. The service opened with Deacon Joe gross reading Psalm 93 and saying a prayer. Worship Pastor Chris Wells followed and led the gathered in song. Because He Lives O God […]
February 17, 2013 AM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Bright sunshine and a crisp, cold morning encouraged many members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church to gather and worship the Lord. The service started when Deacon Joe Gross read Psalm 110. He prayed for the Church body and for the service. Worship Pastor Chris Wells asked everyone to open their hymnals and sing […]
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