Post Archives

January 10, 2016

Fruit of the Spirit Series

The Associate Pastors and students did a series on the Fruit of the Spirit   June 10, 2015 Various Faithfulness Seth Carter Fruit of the Spirit Link June 17, 2015 Various Gentleness Jacob Hatcher Fruit of the Spirit Link June 24, 2015 Various Self Control Ken Lovett Fruit of the Spirit Link

January 10, 2016

Looking to Jesus Series

The Pastor and Associate Pastor did a series “Looking to Jesus”   May 31, 2015 Matthew 5-7 Seek First the Kingdom Ben Dockery Looking to Jesus Link June 7, 2015 Hebrews 12:1–2 Looking to Jesus Dustin Bruce Looking to Jesus Link

January 10, 2016

Nehemiah Series

The Associate Pastors of Vine Street Baptist Church led a series through the book of Nehemiah   Date   Scripture Sermon Title Speaker   Link February 8, 2015 Nehemiah 1 Introduction to Nehemiah Brandon Saunders Nehemiah Link March 8, 2015 Nehemiah 2:1-8 – Ken Lovett Nehemiah Link March 15, 2015 Nehemiah 2:9-20 – Doug Hanna […]

May 17, 2015

The John Series

The John Series

Here is a listing of the entire series covering the book of John. We encourage you to follow along in the Bible translation of your choice, be it a physical copy of The Word or by visiting this link and selecting the passage. August 10, 2014 John 20:30-31 Overview of Themes: Goals for Study Ben Dockery […]

February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015 AM Worship

February 1, 2015 AM Worship

Relieved from a week long threat of snow that ended up passing the city, a large number of members and guests went to Vine Street Baptist Church to worship the Lord and to learn from His Word. The service began when Deacon Betty Jeffries read Psalm 41 and gave a prayer.  Guest Worship Leader, Bennett Stofer, […]

January 25, 2015

January 25, 2015 AM Worship

January 25, 2015 AM Worship

Vine Street Baptist Church is happy to welcome guest Worship Leader Bennett Stofer.  Born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Bowling Green, KY, Stofer recently moved Louisville to start his second semester Southern Seminary.  Stofer grew up surrounded by music, as his father is a minister of music. Bennett has just started becoming active in […]

January 18, 2015

January 18, 2015 AM Worship

Sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures welcomed many returning Boyce College and Southern Seminary students to Vine Street, and several guests — all of whom were happily greeted by members and regulars. The service opened with a reading of Psalm 8 and a prayer, both led by Deacon Joe Gross.  Interim Worship Leader, Charlie Moore, led classic […]

January 11, 2015

January 11, 2015 Morning Worship

Though warmer than the past several days but still pretty chilly, members and guest of Vine Street Baptist Church got out in cold weather to study the Word, sing songs to God, and fellowship with one another. Today’s service opened with a reading of Psalm 145:1-14 and a prayer, both led by Deacon Joe Gross.  Interim […]

January 11, 2015

January 4, 2015 Morning Worship

Members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church celebrated the first day of the new  year with worship in song and study of the Word.  The service began with Deacon Joe Gross reading Psalm 47, then saying an opening prayer. Interim Worship Leader, Charlie Moore, invited the gathered to stand and sing songs. Crown Him […]

January 11, 2015

December 24, 2014 – Christmas Eve

Vine Street Baptist Church opened the doors to members, family, friends and others in the community to a Christmas Eve Service. The service started with Associate Pastor Ken Lovett reading Exodus 4:22-23  Charlie Moore led the gathered in singing O Come All Ye Faithful. Moore invited singers Mike & Emily Lambalet and a guest violinist to accompany him while he […]

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