April 24, 2016 Evening Study
VSBC Blog Administrator
Jacob Hatcher, Boyce Bible College student, presented tonight’s message. This was the next message in multi-part sermon series on the book of 1st Samuel. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the […]
April 24, 2016 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
A beautiful weekend setup a great chance for fireworks and worship. Many members and guest of Vine Street Baptist enjoyed Thunder Over Louisville on Saturday, then came ready to worship a Living God on Sunday morning. The service opened as Deacon Betty Jeffries read Psalm 50:1-6 and saying a prayer. Co-Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led […]
April 17, 2016 Evening Study
VSBC Blog Administrator
Justin Francis, Boyce Bible College student, presented tonight’s message. This was the next message in multi-part sermon series on the book of 1st Samuel. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the […]
April 17, 2016 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Warmth and plenty of sunshine had members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church in a hand-clapping, toe-tapping kind of mood for singing today. The service opened with Deacon Betty Jeffries reading Psalm 30 and saying a prayer. Co-Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher welcomed everyone and asked the gathered to stand and sing in praise: Soon […]
April 10, 2016 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
With the end of Spring Break week coming to a close, travelers were welcome back to Vine Street Baptist Church with hugs and fellowship, learning of how various trips were experienced. The service started with Deacon Betty Jeffries reading Psalm 8 and saying a prayer. Co-Worship Leader Jaime Hatcher led everyone through a few opening songs […]
April 3, 2016 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Spring Break weekend may have brought a smaller-then-normal crowd to Vine Street Baptist Church, but members and guests in attendance were more than prepared to worship God and learn from His Word. Deacon Betty Jeffries opened the service by reading Psalm 1 and saying a prayer. Jaime and Jacob Hatcher, Co-Worship Leaders, led the gathered […]
March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday Morning
VSBC Blog Administrator
“HE is Risen! HE is risen indeed.” This is the proclamation of many of the members of Vine Street Baptist Church on Easter Sunday. Many smiles, handshakes and hugs were freely given and warmly received by all who came today. The service was opened when Deacon Joe Gross read Luke 24:1-12 and said a prayer. […]
March 20, 2016 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
The first day of Spring, though still a little cool outside, brought many smiling faces to Vine Street Baptist Church today. The service began with Deacon Joe Gross reading Psalm 95:1-6, then saying saying a prayer. Co-Worship Leader, Jacob Hatcher, welcomed everyone and encouraged everyone to stand and sing while Co-Worship Leader Jaime Hatcher led […]
March 13, 2016 PM Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Jacob Hatcher, Boyce Bible College student, presented tonight’s message. This was the next message in multi-part sermon series on the book of 1st Samuel. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the […]
March 13, 2016 Morning Worship
VSBC Blog Administrator
Warmer weather brought clouds and rain across the city, but that didn’t keep members and guest from wanting to learn from the Bible and to praise the Lord. The worship service began with Deacon Joe Gross reading Psalm 63 and saying a prayer. Although Co-Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher was a little under the weather, he […]
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