Posted by VSBC Blog Administrator

Another busy month at VSBC and we’ve gotten a little tardy in getting the sermon audio files published on the Internet.  We’re trying to figure out the best and most efficient way to get this out here for you.

We are curious —

  • Do you miss the entire synopsis of the service?
  • Are the sermon notes helpful?
  • Should we just post the sermon audio files without any commentary if it would get the files posted sooner?
  • Is the way we post the files working for you? You can easily listen to it via the streaming player or downing it, right?

We would appreciate any feedback you would like to provide.  Just send an email to and we’ll be sure it gets to the right person.

Now … on to the sermons! You can listen to the sermon by clicking on the player, or right-click on the link and save the file to your computer.

July 4, 2010 AM God’s Story: Faith, Righteousness & Blessing – Genesis 12 (Ben Dockery)

July 11, 2010 AM God’s Story: Saved By Love for Love – Exodus 12, Deuteronomy 6 (Ben Dockery)

July 18, 2010 AM The Three P’s of Gospel Sharing: Prompting, Preparation, Presentation – Acts 8:25-38 (Robert Bebout)

July 18, 2010 PM (Part 1) – An update on mission activity in Nicaragua. (Adam and Sarah Rice)

July 18, 2010 PM (Part 2) – An update on mission activity in Nicaragua. (Adam and Sarah Rice)

Due to a technical issue, the recording for our guest missionaries went bad and was stopped as soon as it was noticed. When you hear the issue, you can stop the playback and go to Part 2 for the conclusion.