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Warmer weather and a little bit of sunshine brought many members and guests together to worship the Lord. Deacon Joe Gross opened the service with a reading of Psalm 139, and followed that with a prayer. Minister of Worship and Praise Johann Kim commented that the Psalm focuses on God having made us and known us all along, and then encouraged the gathered to sing praises to that very God

  • Holy, Holy, Holy
  • Oh, How I Love Jesus
  • Father, I Adore You
  • God Will Take Care of You

After a time of fellowship, the choir ensemble sang “Since Jesus Came Into My Heart” and Kim encouraged the congregation to sing along during the fourth stanza. Interim Pastor Ben Dockery spoke briefly about Find It Here before leading the Body through a time of prayer. Lorrie Hendricks read John 16:1-16 and the gathered sang a related song, “Breathe on Me,” just prior to the time of offering.

Today, Dockery began a new study on the book of 1 John. Today’s message, “Our Prologue of Joy, covers 1 John 1:1-4. This study, Dockery said, will take us through the Spring.

Opening today’s lesson, Dockery reciting the opening lines to many stories (“Once upon a time”) and the opening lines of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The purpose was to show that story telling has been around for hundreds of years, and sets us up for the story that is to come.

The first four verses of 1 John is full of philosophical thoughts

  • Where does life come from?
  • What is the purpose of life?

The context of John writing this letter:

  • A young church; no generation before for the current generation to learn from
  • There was a lot of gnostic teaching

Additional insights from this passage:

  • A correction to the false teaching
  • A model to how we should minister
  • Your faith has been heard and seen by someone; it is how you came to Christ too
  • You have a responsibilty to pass this along.
  • You see it and it has meaning

To listen to this sermon, click on the player or right-click on the link and select “Save as”

February 28, 2010 AM (Ben Dockery)

During a time of reflection and response, the congregation sang “The Solid Rock.” Mickie Bainter presented a few announcements and Dockery closed the service with a reading from 1 John 5:13