As members, regular attendees and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church gathered before the worship service, the room was buzzing with excitement as Boyce College students are beginning to return to town from the summer break. Students were warmly welcomed back to the Vine Street family with many hugs of joy.
The service began when Deacon Donnie Aebersold read Psalm 119:105-112 and saying a prayer. Worship Pastor Jacob Hatcher led everyone in songs.
- How Firm a Foundation
- This I Believe
Jacob welcomed everyone again and encouraged a time of greeting one another. After amble time, Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon continued the service time by giving some announcements.
- Returning to regular Sunday evening activities, starting with Souper Sunday
- CPR training available with the Germantown Neighborhood Association.
- Women’s Bible Study this week. FMI: Taylor Harmon
- Boyce Bible School Move-in Day – Thursday, August 12 4:30pm. FMI: Spencer Harmon
- Back To School Bash.
Spencer closed the announcement time by introducing today’s guest speaker, then saying a Pastoral Prayer. The ushers collected the offering while Jacob introduced a new song to the congregation. Co-worship leader, Jaime Hatcher led everyone in singing this and one more song.
- Oh, Praise the Name
- Fairest Lord Jesus
Today’s message was delivered by guest preacher Joey Eaton. Joey grew up in Jupiter FL, in the southern part of the state. He graduated from Florida State University with a double major in Religion and Communications. Joey attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, earning a Masters of Divinity in Christian Ministry (MDiv CM). Joey and his wife of 10 years, Michelle, have three children and live in Louisville. When Joey is not busy with his pastoral duties with Garfield Avenue Baptist Church, he is busy remodeling his house. Whenever they have a bit of free time, the Easton’s like to participate in sports (Joey is involved in crossfit) and being together as a family.
The message continues the Summer Stories sermon series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
August 6, 2017 | Matthew 7:24-27 | The Builder | Joey Eaton |
After the sermon, the congregation stood and sang Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus during a time of reflection. Spencer closed the service with an invitation for anyone to speak to a pastor after the service about church membership, becoming a Christian, or to discuss today’s sermon. He read a closing benediction passage, then dismissed the group.