As everyone continues to settle into the new year, members and visitors of Vine Street Baptist Church continue to gather together to study the Word of God.
Today’s service began with Deacon Donnie Aebersold reading Psalm 53:1-6 and saying a prayer for today’s service, those in leadership and for the sermon time. Jacob and Jaime Hatcher invited all to stand and sing some opening songs.
- Nothing But the Blood
- Holy Spirit (You Are Welcome Here)
Everyone took a few minutes to meet and greet one another, then Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon presented a few announcements before he gave a pastoral prayer.
- Sermon series “Birthmarks” begins today.
- Evening fellowship this week will be at the Roberts’ house.
- Shape Note Singing in the Fellowship Hall this afternoon.
- Pastoral concerns
The ushers collected the offering while Jaime & Jacob played their instruments, then everyone stood and sang more songs.
- How Deep the Father’s Love For Us
- It Is Well With My Soul
The sermon today is the first in a new series called Birthmarks. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
January 15, 2017 AM | John 3:3 | Why Must We be Born Again? | Brandon Saunders |
After the sermon, Jaime led Jesus Paid it All during a time of reflection and response. Brandon closed the service with a benediction reading.