Another week, and another glorious opportunity to gather and praise the Lord.
Today’s service opened with Deacon Gary Cook reading Psalm 96:1-9 and an opening prayer. Worship Pastor Chris Wells stepped up to the mic and lead the congregation in singing some songs.
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
A time of welcome and fellowship was held, then Pastor Ben Dockery made a few announcements.
- Corey & Jenni Duncan’s Baby Shower
- Choir starts up again this week
- Health and wellness concerns
After the pastoral prayer, the gathered sang a few songs before the offering was collected.
- The Old Rugged Cross
- Hear the Call of the Kingdom
During the offering, Wells sang Across the Lands. Everyone joined him for the last part of the song.
Associate Pastor Chris Moss brought the next message in the “Great God, Great Mission” series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on a date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
01/20/13 AM | Matthew 7:12-14 | The Golden Rule | Chris Moss |
To end this morning’s service, the gathered sang Take My Life and Let it Be during a moment of reflection and response. Pastor Ben closed the service with a benediction.