Vine Street Baptist Church was full of people who were likely still full of turkey leftovers from a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends.
The service was led today by intern Joshua McCarthy. He read Luke 1:46-56 and said a prayer for the service. Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the gathered in singing Joy to the World to kick off Advent season a week early.
After a few minutes of greeting one another in fellowship, Joshua gave a few announcements.
- Person of Jesus study continues tonight with Spencer Harmon leading the discussion.
- Jackets with the Vine Street Baptist Church logo are available to order.
- VSBC will participate with Christmas Families again this year. FMI: Betty Jeffries.
Joshua gave a pastoral prayer, then Jacob sang a special song. He wrote the song Thank You, Lord a few years ago after he asked God for help in writing music. After singing his song, he invited the congregation to stand and sing more songs together.
- Jesus Paid it All
- Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Joshua read today’s sermon scripture, then Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon delivered today’s message.
Today’s sermon beings the sermon series Fulfilled, an Advent Series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
November 26, 2017 | Genesis 3:1-15 | The Seed | Spencer Harmon |
After the sermon, the congregation stood and sang In Christ Alone during a time of reflection. Joshua closed the service with an invitation for anyone to speak to a pastor after the service about church membership, becoming a Christian, or to discuss today’s sermon. He then dismissed the group.