Staying out late for Thunder Over Louisville the night before, and cooler temperatures on Sunday morning, could not keep members and guests from coming to Vine Street Baptist Church to learn from God’s Word.
The worship service began as Deacon Gary Cook read Ezekiel 36:25-27. He followed this with a prayer. Associate Pastor of Worship led the gathered through the classic hymn Blessed Assurance.
A time to greet one another was given, and many noticed special guest, Dr. Johann Kim and family, in the group. After this time of fellowship, Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon presented several announcements.
- Person of Jesus study continues tonight, led by Brandon Saunders
- Women’s Bible Study meets this Tuesday, studying the book of Jonah
- An update on Crossings Camp
- Harrods Creek Shape Note Convention is this coming weekending
- Fish Fry at Vine Street on Friday night at 6:30
- Singing at Harrod’s Creek on Saturday and Sunday, beginning at 9:30am each day.
Spencer introduced Johann to the crowd, then said a pastoral prayer for Vision 60/2020 and other concerns. At the end of the prayer, a video that recapped the events of Vision 60/2020 in 2016 was shown (see the video by clicking this link), then Johann came to the platform, thanking Vine Street Baptist Church for sending him and his family, and summarizing the the past year and the year ahead. Jacob continued the time of worship by leading I Need Thee Every Hour.
Spencer returned to the pulpit to read today’s scripture reading, then Jacob delivered the message.
The sermon continues the verse by verse series through 2 Corinthians. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
April 23, 2017 | 2 Corinthians 7:10-16 | A Grief That Leads to Life | Jacob Hatcher |
After the sermon, the congregation stood and sang I Surrender All then a closing benediction was read.