The overnight threat of ice did not materialize, nor could it hamper the resolve for members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church to come out in full force for Morning Worship.
The service began with Deacon Wally Jeffries reading scripture and saying a prayer that was full of warmth, hope and anticipation. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the gathered in song.
- Go Tell It On the Mountain
- Our God
After a time of fellowship, Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon reminded everyone of the upcoming sermon and studies, then he spoke about Christmas Families delivery today. This project, in conjunction with Highland Community Ministry, has been an ongoing tradition with the Vine Street family and has in recent years been supported with help from the Germantown-Paristown Neighborhood Association. GPNA board member, Treasurer Steve Magree, came to the platform and said a few words about the relationship between GPNA and VSBC, then presented a check to the church to help with the Christmas Families program.
Before Spencer was able to continue with the service, Deacon Chandler Bainter popped up and asked all three of Pastors to stand next to him. Chandler presented Christmas gifts to the Pastoral staff & leadership, thanking them for all they do on behalf of the church and the ministry here.
Spencer called the ushers forward to prepare for the offering, and then gave a pastoral prayer over the health and well being concerns of members and friends, as well for the meaning and events of the Christmas season.
Mickie Bainter sang Christmas Has Its Cradle while the ushers collected the offering. Members Roger & Nancy Morris lit the Advent Candle and read the scripture. The third Advent Candle reflects on Joy, with the scripture this week from Luke 2:7-12. The scripture was read by Nancy, then Roger lit the candle. The Hatchers led What Child is This” to conclude this part of the service.
Josh Bertch took to the platform and read today’s sermon passage before starting the sermon itself. Today’s message was the next in an Advent series, “Christmas Questions.” The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
December 18, 2016 AM | Matthew 2:1-12 | Who Did Jesus Come To? | Spencer Harmon |
After the sermon, everyone stood and sang Crown Him With Many Crowns during a time of response and reflection. Today’s service ended with Spencer reading a benediction.