An overcast sky and knowledge that many church members were out of town did not prevent the lighter-than-normal crowd of worshipers from gathering at Vine Street Baptist Church.
The service started with Deacon Joe Gross reading Psalm 19 and saying a prayer. Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher led the gathered in singing Sweet, Sweet Spirit before encouraging everyone to spend a few minutes in fellowship.
Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon presented a few announcements.
- Souper Sunday this evening at 6:00pm
- Fall Family Fellowship at the Bates Farm
- Trunk-or-Treat on October 31st – more details to come.
As Spencer called the ushers forward to prepare for the offering, he also called Doug and Lydia Hanna to the pulpit. Spencer announced that the Hanna’s were moving to another church, and gave Doug the opportunity to say a few words. Doug thanked many members for being a good example to him, and pouring a variety of different blessings into his life. He said finding Vine Street Baptist Church made his transition to Louisville easy, and he will never forget his time here. Spencer prayed for Doug and Lydia, for the sister church they are going to, and for other needs in the community.
While the offering plates were passed, Jacob led a few more songs.
- Peace Like a River
- Brothers We Have Met to Worship
Justin Francis read today’s sermon text, 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:4
Today’s message was the next in a series through the book of 2nd Corinthians. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
October 2, 2016 AM | 2 Corinthians 1:23-25 | The Joyful Work of Correction | Spencer Harmon |
After the sermon, the congregation sang All Creatures of Our God and King, then Spencer read a benediction.