A room full of members and guests gathered for a wonderful evening of ceremony and celebration.
The service opened with Deacon Chandler Bainter welcoming everyone and stating the purpose of the service, which was to ordain Spencer M. Harmon to ministry. Chandler explained what ordination is and is not, then gave a recap of how the Ordination Council reviewed Spencer’s qualifications. The Council consisted of:
- Chandler Bainter, Chairperson of the Deacons and of the Pastor Search Committee
- Joe Gross, long term Deacon of Vine Street Baptist Church
- Ryan Fullerton, Lead Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church
- Joey Eaton, Lead Pastor of Garfield Avenue Baptist Church
Chandler asked Spencer to come to the front and face the congregation. At the recommendation of the Ordination Council to proceed with Ordination, Chandler asked members of Vine Street Baptist Church to stand in affirmation and support of this recommendation. Chandler then asked friends and family of Spencer to do likewise. Everyone in the room was standing.
Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the worshipers in song:
- O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
- How Firm a Foundation
David “Gunner” Gunderson, who recently preached at Vine Street, read 2 Timothy 2, then the Hatchers led more songs:
- In Christ Alone
- The Solid Rock
After singing, Ryan Fullerton brought a message that challenged Spencer, and many others. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
September 25, 2016 PM | Hebrews 13 | – | Ryan Fullerton |
After the sermon, Chandler returned to the platform and explained the ritual of Laying on of Hands, then invited Spencer to the front and the Ordained men and women in attendance to line up and gather around him. Chandler instructed those who came forward to lay their hands on Spencer, say a prayer or word of encouragement to him, and invited them to use the open microphone provided to speak an open prayer if they felt so led. A group of a few dozen participated in this part of the service. Several people from Vine Street and other guests prayed out loud. Jacob and Jaime both played their instruments quietly in the background during this time.
As the time of laying of hands came to an end, the gathered sang Be Thou My Vision, led by the Hatchers. To close the service, Joey Eaton read Acts 20 in its entirety and said a prayer.
Chandler dismissed the crowd by inviting everyone to enjoy the desserts reception down in the Fellowship Hall.