Vine Street Baptist Church welcomed members and guests to a new week and introduced new pew Bibles for everyone’s use. Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon drew attention to the Bibles during the Announcement time of the service, letting everyone know that since the English Standard Version (ESV) is the translation of Scripture that he typically uses, the Bibles were purchased and put in place. In addition, Spencer offered that if someone did not have a Bible at home, or knew someone who needed a Bible, could take one of these pew Bibles as a gift.
The worship service opened with Deacon Gary Cook reading Psalm 67:1-7 and saying a prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the gathered in some songs, including introducing a new praise song.
- Take My Life
- We Are (The Light of the World)
Before the congregation had their traditional fellowship greeting time, Jacob called the Harmon’s to the front, and the congregation was able to surprise them with gifts of diapers and gift cards as they prepare to welcome their second baby to this world. Both Spencer and his wife, Taylor, were quite surprised, and gave their thanks and appreciation for the blessing and love that Vine Street shines on their family.
After a few minutes of fellowship, Spencer gave a few announcements.
- Spencer thanked the church body of Vine Street for all the prayers, calls and concerns while he was with family following the passing of his father.
- Today’s sermon – Every Member: Mission
- Next week – new sermon series on the book of 2nd Corinthians
- No activities tonight due to the holiday
- New pew Bibles
After a pastoral prayer, Boyce student Josh Bertch read Matthew 28:16-20, then the Hatchers led in two more songs:
- They’ll Know We’re Christians By Our Love
- I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
Deacon Mickie Bainter said a prayer for the offering, then Jacob introduced a new song, Facing a Task Unfinished, while the offering plates were passed.
Today’s message was the last in a series called “Every Member.” The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
September 9, 2016 AM | 2 Peter 2:9-10 | Every Member … Ministers | Spencer Harmon |
After the sermon, the congregation participated in the Lord’s Supper. The elements were passed to the congregation in unison, and all who took part did so together. The gathered sang I Have Decided to Follow Jesus and were sent out with a benediction reading, and were encouraged to give a gift of love to the benevolence offering.