Several people were met with various challenges to attend Vine Street Baptist Church this week, but those attempts failed as the the heart of God’s people desire worship over circumstances.
Today’s service opened with Deacon Chandler Bainter reading Psalm 14 and saying a prayer. Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the gathered in some familiar songs and hymns:
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- Sweet Hour of Prayer
After a time of fellowship, Pastor Spencer Harmon gave several announcements so everyone could know how they can be involved in church life:
- Regular schedule of events (Sunday’s, Wednesdays, Souper Sunday’s, etc.) resume in August
- Church members are invited to a wedding
- Back to School Bash on Wednesday, August 10th
- HCM Food Drive concludes this week.
After a Spencer offered a pastoral prayer, Justin Francis read Revelation 5:9-14, then Jacob led more singing before he offering was collected.
- No Longer Slaves
- Lord I Need You
After Deacon Donnie Aebersold said a prayer for the offering, the plates were passed and Jaime Hatcher presented Desert Song (by Brooke Fraser).
Today’s message if the third in the “Classic Scriptures of the Bible” series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
July 17, 2016 AM | Matthew 6:9-13 | The Lord’s Payer | Doug Hanna |
After the sermon, the congregation sang part of What a Friend We Have in Jesus, then Doug closed the service with a benediction reading from the Bible.