Still reveling in Christmas joy, members and guests gathered at Vine Street Baptist Church to worship God and Jesus. The service opened with Deacon Gary Cook reading Psalm 98 and saying a prayer. Charlie Moore, interim Worship Leader, led the congregation in singing:
- Joy to the World
- Jesus What a Friend for Sinners
After fellowship and welcoming one another, announcements were made and a pastoral prayer was given. Moore invited everyone to stand for the next song:
- By Faith
- Speak oh Lord
After an offering prayer was made, the offering was collected while Moore sang He Who is Mighty, then Associate Pastor Ken Lovett went to the podium to bring today’s message. (Due to technical difficulties, the sermon audio was not recorded.)
December 28, 2015 | AM | Luke 2:22-52 | Our Christmas: Holiness | Ken Lovett |
At the end of the sermon, the gathered stood and sang May the Peace, then Lovett read Numbers 6:24-26 and the service was closed.