Service began with a reading of Psalm 29 and a prayer spoken by Deacon Gary Cook. Interim Worship Leader, Charlie Moore, spoke how the opening songs were reflective of the joy that is seen in the gospel message and the illustration of baptism, then everyone sang songs.
- All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
- Joy Has Dawned
After the songs, Pastor Ben baptized Jeremy Cheek. Jeremy was asked to confess his beliefs in Christ and what Christ did for him, then was lowered into the water and raised up again. Pastor Ben spoke about how the act was symbolic of the life in Christ and the fellowship of those who believe in Him. A time of fellowship was held, where everyone greeted one another with handshakes and hugs.
Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders brought everyone back together by reviewing a few announcements:
- Today’s sermon
- Fellowship meal following morning worship
- No service tonight.
- Special called business meeting next Sunday morning
- Ladies Christmas Dessert Fellowship on December 14th
- Men’s Ministry Meal at Louisville Rescue Mission on December 14th.
Saunders continued the service with a pastoral prayer, then read Luke 2:8-14 and lit the second Advent candle. The gathered sang songs before the offering was collected.
- What Child is This
- Knowing You
Deacon Joe Gross said a prayer, then Moore sang Show Us Christ while the offering was collected. Pastor Ben went to the pulpit to bring today’s message.
This is the second message in an Advent sermon series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
December 7, 2014 | AM | Ephesians 2:11-22 | Our Christmas: Family | Ben Dockery |
During a time of response, the congregation sang all four stanzas of Jesus Paid it All. This is Cheek’s favorite hymn. To close today’s service, Pastor Ben read a benediction from the Bible, then ended with a prayer over the fellowship time about to be enjoyed.