Interim Pastor Ben Dockery opened the Evening Worship Service with prayer. Two hymns were sung:
- 364/Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine
- 374/Your Supper, Lord, Before Us Spread (v1, v3)
These two hymns were sung with intention, because tonight’s focus on church history was on The Reformation. The lesson started with a review
- Persecution
- Constantine
- Creeds & Councils
- 1517 – Luther
We arrived at “the split” tonight with the “Four Horsemen” (the big players) of the reformation and what they focused on:
- Luther – Doctrine
- Calvin – Theology
- Zwingli – Social/Political
- Knox – Presbyterian
The lesson continued with a fairly detailed history on the English Reformation (and how Henry VIII and his wives had an effect on the church), the Radical Reformation (including a little bit of information on the Anabaptists, Mennonites, Amish), and the Counter Reformation. This brought us up to 1648 in the church time line.